Category Archives: Health

Brown Rice Pasta with Sweet Potato Puree

One of my favorite things to do when I am cooking

is to try to come up with something based off what I have in the kitchen

without having to head out to the grocery store.

That’s also just an attribution to general laziness,

but I have found that some of my favorite meals have come together

when I was forced to create something with only whatever is available.

So, I can’t be too upset about it.

It also helps, of course, when you train yourself to only stock

the fridge and cupboards with healthy, fresh, options,

such as a variety of vegetables, protein and natural flavorings.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that there aren’t a few things in my kitchen

that aren’t at the top of the healthy list,

but it’s like I said before:

80% of what you need

20% of what you want.

I’ve been a little slack lately on my posting,

but I was honestly way too busy the past couple of weeks to come up with

or discover any new recipes.

But, I did manage to squeeze in this delicious new recipe that I actually

thought of when I was sitting at my desk at work,

wondering what I was going to make for dinner

because I didn’t feel like going shopping.

I remembered that I had a sweet potato sitting on my shelf

and all of a sudden I had the urge to make pasta.

Yes, pasta doesn’t sound like the best thing to think of,

but when you have an amazing, light and low carb,

brown rice penne pasta sitting in your cabinet,

trust me it is.

It was the weirdest thing, but the idea to make a sauce

just popped in to my head and I couldn’t wait to go home to make it.

It was so delicious and the addition of the pistachios was my favorite part,

with the crunchy, saltiness, adding to the sauce,

but you can leave them out, of course, if that’s not your thing.

Hope you enjoy!

brown rice pasta with sweet potato

Brown Rice Pasta with Sweet Potato Puree

1 large sweet potato
2/3 cup light coconut milk plus 2 tbsp
1 TSP garlic powder
1/2 TSP salt/pepper
1 TSP sriracha
sun-dried tomatoes
roasted red  peppers
1 TSP garlic puree
1 TBSP of pistachios
1 TBSP coconut oil
Parmesan cheese
Brown Rice penne pasta
  1. Skin the sweet potato, poke some fork holes around it and place in the microwave. If your microwave doesn’t have a potato button, heat on high for 5 minutes, or until potato is tender to the touch. Allow potato to cool for a few minutes.
  2. While the potato is cooking, heat up a skillet on medium low with a TBSP of coconut oil and the sun-dried tomatoes, peppers and garlic puree and saute.  Also, set a pan of water to boil for the pasta.
  3. While the potato cools, put the garlic powder, 2/3 coconut milk, salt/pepper and sriracha in to a large, measuring cup that can fit an immersion blender. If you don’t have an immersion blender, use a regular blender. Cut up the sweet potato in to 4 or 5 pieces and add to the measuring cup.
  4. Blend the mixture until smooth. If it is too thick, add more coconut milk by the TBSP until it is creamy enough. Test for salt and add more if needed.
  5. Add pistachios to your pan and allow to brown slightly. Once browned, turn off the heat and add in your creamed sweet potato to heat up and incorporate all the ingredients. Drain your cooked pasta and add the sauce. Top off with some parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Happiness or Satisfaction: Are we kidding ourselves?

When I think about happiness,
I immediately think of someone or something,
a memory, a moment,
anything that is connected to that euphoria
of the complete and utter simplicity of living.
Then, I wonder why happiness is only thought of when the question of it arises…
It is a completely natural reaction, of course,
and brought me to realize that most people,
when actually present in that moment of happiness,
recognize that moment and take it as a state of being,
rather than a fleeting emotion:
a temporary cognizance of satisifaction.
This leads me to believe that our fault as humans has not been in searching for happiness,
but rather in constantly redefining what “happiness” really is.
If we are never sure what it is then how can we find it?
I tend to forget that happiness is what I make it.
That to be truly happy, a person must be satisfied,
with not just all they have, but with what they expect to have.
No person in our world is truly happy in that sense,
because every person desires something more,
even past their point of satisfaction.
The question is if there is anything wrong with that?
The answer is there isn’t.
Every person that breathes has the same goal to be happy.
The path to that goal is what is always different,
but in a lot of ways, the same.
Money, fame, success, beauty, love, family, acceptance.
Who wouldn’t want all of that?
Our mistake is that we naturally assume that people who have the things we covet,
are happier than we are, which leads us to be angry and jealous
and also leads us to take on those goals as our own.
But, we have all seen the classic scenario of the wealthy business man,
with the young, beautiful, wife,
three talented children
and just about everything else one could want,
who ends up sleeping with his secretary,
frauding his company into bankruptcy
and losing his children in a bitter custody battle.
Why would a man who has every tool in his life to be happy, ruin it that easily?
Answer: He was happy, but he wasn’t satisfied.
We see these stories every day, and we ask ourselves that question,
because society defines happiness for us
and we look every day for that definition.
If we do not have it, we conclude we are unhappy.
Happiness does not equal satisfaction,
but satisfaction can bring you happiness.
I truly envy the tribes of the world who live day to day with only the expectation
to survive to see the next.
These people don’t worry about money, beauty, career
the way that we do in the industrialized world,
because it is valued at what they want it to be.
So, I will not wish anymore to be happy,
as that feeling is controlled by my own expectations.
If I need happiness, I need only take a deep breath,
hug my family,
kiss my boyfriend,
and text my friends.
I will only wish to reach satisifaction so one day I can look around and truly appreciate
the things and people in my life who I need and who need me back.
I’m not saying satisfaction is an end-point,
because it is good to raise your goals and your expectations,
but, rather, it should be a rest stop between those goals and expectations,
so when you are chasing after something,
you need only go back to your last rest stop and find that happiness,
instead of having to start at the beginning.

My First 5K!

I have been involved in athletics my entire life.
My father was a well-known soccer coach when I was growing up,
winning multiple titles, coach of the year,
securing the most career wins in the state of VA at his time,
and even holds the third place spot, today.
He also went on to be an athletic director at a high school
for 17 years, including finding time to coach
my brother’s soccer team at one point.
So, naturally, being involved in sports as a kid
was just something that was going to happen for my siblings and I.
But, I loved it.
While I was obsessed with soccer and volleyball and just about
any sport where I was given the opportunity to show up
boys and even get injured,
for some reason, I hated running.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved it during soccer,
but the idea of running without a soccerball at my feet
was just excruciating to me.
A pain I still have today, sadly, not having touched a soccerball in years.

I love exercising and aerobics,
most specifically yoga and pilates,
but running is still a sore topic to me.

So, when my sister and her best friend asked me to join her in a
5K race last weekend in memory of a friend of hers
who had recently passed away,
I was a little nervous and skeptical,
but decided to just go for it and support her.
When the morning of the race came, however, I wasn’t exactly
in the best condition to run a 5k,
for which I not only did not train for,
but was also scared of to begin with.
I showed up at 8 AM with no sleep the night before
and had even woken up with stomach nerves that kept me
in the bathroom on my knees (TMI, but it had to be said).
Needless to say, I wasn’t able to eat a breakfast, either.
I had resolved myself to back out of the race
and just watch in support, but thanks to my friends,
I was convinced to try it out and work with what I had.
Yeah, I almost passed out.
I was able to complete the race, but let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.
Despite having to stop and walk a few times on this very hilly course,
and getting dizzy multiple times,
I can honestly say that I am actually really glad that
they convinced me to go for it.
I pushed myself farther than I have in anything
in a really long time and being able to say
“Hey, guess what? I did a 5k”
feels amazing.
I wasn’t first, but I certainly wasn’t last.
Which, is a motivation to do another one soon,
this time training for it and getting lots of rest the night before.
I figure, if I can complete something like that
in the condition I showed up in,
then I should be able to do it again,
in better shape and maybe even do well.
I’m so proud of myself and reccomend a race like this for anybody
looking for a “pick-me-up,”
even if you hate running as much as I do.
Especially for such a great reason and with great friends like these.

P.s. my sister, Vasilia, was unable to race due to back problems
from a recent car accident,
but having her on the sideline cheering me on was the best!
Thanks Silly!

What do you think of my medal??

How To Be Beautiful

I have always wondered about the importance of this
in life and how, over the years,
it seems to have grown
into a necessity
as vital as water and air.
How, as young girls, we increasingly feel the pressure to
alter our faces, our bodies, our personas
to match concepts of the contemporary idea of “beauty.”

Concepts that are never really concrete,
because one day’s beauty is another day’s wasted effort.

Then as young women we feel the overwhelming slap of reality
when we discover that in the battle of natural beauty versus
constructed, superficial chaos,
the latter seems to always win.
Yet, given the course of history,
isn’t beauty just a matter of what we say it is?
I see all these commercials for products
that make all these promises:
no wrinkles
even skin tones
fat trimming
pore minimizers
permanent hair removal
covers gray hair
thick, volumized lashes
plump lips
longer, thicker hair
erases dark circles
and it really makes me wonder:
what does it really cost to be beautiful
and does the investment really make a difference to one’s life?
I can’t sit here and say that I don’t wake up every day without the intention
of making myself look as nice as possible.
 In the career world, especially one in Marketing, let’s face it:
looks are important.
 I’m not the first to say that and, in fact, I was told that in an interview.
That’s certainly something that keeps you on edge,
as an employee, but more specifically as a woman,
who already has a hard enough time getting people
to take her seriously.
But, the double standard exists.
The truth is, that if I showed up to work
with no hair construction,
no facial consideration
and no sense of tasteful or thoughtful dress,
I would be doomed.
But, if a man were to come in to the office,
in the same fashion,
most would either think he just had a rough night
from working so hard,
or he’s trying something new.
Honestly, in my opinion, there is no such thing as “ugly.”

I truly believe that nobody is physically ugly,
but rather that people who are more “attractive” simply issue a higher
level of effort in their maintenance.
I already know there will be people who disagree with me,
in fact, I may disagree with myself on occasion,
especially when I am having one of those days,
you know, where you can’t fix anything.
But, let’s be real:
even if you are born with a “natural” beauty,
you won’t stay that way without the appropriate level of maintenance;
be it a beauty regime,
costly make-up or procedures,
drugstore shampoo versus professional hair care products
or maybe your own stylist…
honesty: I don’t think I am that beautiful
As a point of mention, I have never considered myself to be on a level of attractiveness
that would permanently exempt me from somebody dropping the U bomb.
Not a good thing for somebody who obsesses over other people’s opinions
to admit to, but then again, even if I do garner a compliment
here or there, things get awkward.
I mean,
something happens to my mind on even the simplest:
“You have pretty hair.”
 The circus of emotions ensues,
a dance of shadows and sunlight
barking at each other,
fighting for expression:
“thank you” I say and smile
crap now they probably think that I am shallow
or that I knew that they were going to compliment me
“I got lucky today, it’s usually a mess”
okay, that sounded better
wait, now they’re telling me that my hair always looks nice
what do I say to that?
“no, trust me it takes forever to get it to look nice”
omg why did i say that?
now they are going to think i spend hours on my hair
“not that i spend forever fixing my hair”
okay now they laughed
does that mean they don’t believe me?
ugh, I hate my hair
i wish it was straight and soft
shit, i didn’t compliment their hair
“i love your hair, i wish mine looked like that”
did that sound fake?
I hope they know I really meant that
now they are smiling like they were waiting for me to say that
what if they only complimented me because they knew i would compliment them?
“i was thinking about going lighter, like yours, what do you think?”
that’s better
okay, now they are looking bored
they are probably regretting saying anything to me in the first place
they are probably wondering how i look without my hair fixed now
no they’re not, they don’t care
ugh, how do I get out of this subject
Then, of course, the rest of the day,
I’m thinking about how I can make sure that my hair always looks
good enough to get the compliment
I don’t feel I deserve
that I want, but can’t handle.
Then the shopping trip happens
and all of a sudden, there is a discovery of all these brand new products,
all making “new” familiar promises
that I have to try out.
Cue broke-girl music.
It’s amazing how this whole ordeal has evolved over the years.
 It really makes me wonder who it is I feel the need to
“maintain” myself for, if not for myself.
I’m lucky enough to have a boyfriend who tells me all the time that
he thinks I am beautiful,
but even then
I feel that awkwardness, and the need to move on from the compliment
like I don’t deserve it…

so why do I even try?

On a side note, I have a beautifully stunning mother,
who breaks necks without intention,
who is constantly complimented,
but remains humble and sweet.
 Who doesnt even wear makeup,
aside from the occasional lipstick and eyeshadow.
 When somebody asks me how a 40 something year old woman
 can literally look like my slightly older sister,
 I realize some amazing truths
about my mother and her life.
I am happy enough to have absorbed
her techniques and knowledge
(at least for the most part)
from years of lectures and guidance on her part.
So here it is ladies:
how to be naturally and timelessly beautiful.
 A defined beauty that will never change
as demonstrated by my Mom:
wash your face every morning and every night
wear moisturizer every day
wear sunscreen and cover yourself when out in the sun
don’t cake your face with foundations and cover ups
don’t stretch your skin when putting on eyeliner
always take your makeup off before you go to bed
drink water religiously
don’t get drunk
don’t smoke
eat your fruits and vegetables
eat breakfast for dinner
 get exercise
love with all of your heart
smile a lot
laugh first
 always be honest
never be selfish, but don’t forget about yourself
believe in yourself
don’t be greedy
go to bed early
learn as much as you can
listen first
be faithful, loyal and forgiving
beauty can be created and maintained with products
but natural beauty can only be maintained from the inside
be just like my beautiful mom
my beautiful mom

Fab Find: Roasted Coconut Chips

Okay, so I will openly admit that I have a complete obsession with Trader Joe’s.
But, to be real: who doesn’t?
I could say it was just inherited because my Mother has been completely obsessed with the place
since I was a kid and she first discovered it.
That was before the US started it’s national health craze, of course,
but it’s just such a great store with amazing, organic and healthy food.
Let me say, however, that while Trader Joe’s has a great variety of healthy products,
that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in the store is healthy,
or that just because it says “organic” that it isn’t bad for you.
Trust: Trader Joe’s certainly has its share of indulgent and hip expanding food.
You just have to learn how to read labels and educate yourself on “labeling,”
such as the ever misleading term “low-calorie”  and the difference between “fat free”and 0% fat.
Yes, there is a difference.
More on that in later posts because I am so excited to share this new find from Trader Joe’s.
I have to give all credit to my mother for this one,
because she read about these Roasted Coconut Chips in a blog and sent it to me,
asking for me to try it out next time I went there and let her know if it was good.
Well, can I just say that  it was really hard to call her and tell her how amazing it was
and that I really wanted to bring her the bag of chips the next day
since she lives 30 mins away from the closest Trader Joe’s,
but that I just couldn’t bare to part with them.
Yes, they are THAT good.
The best part about these “chips” is the after-taste.
They literally leave your taste buds in awe.
The subtle sweetness and slight saltiness are the perfect combination
and the perfect “go-to” snack.
At first, I was afraid to try this product because I was afraid
it would be one of those dangerous snacks that I would love,
but then have to convince myself not to buy because it is too indulgent.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
this one goes under the Not Bad for You list!!
That is, in moderation.
Roasted Coconut Chips
Trader Joe’s Roasted Coconut Chips
First off, the serving size is half the bag,
so eating a handful as a snack leaves you with only a slither
of the nutrition information on the label,
(which to start with is equivalent to eating a “healthy” granola bar)
and just enough of that good feeling you get immediately after indulging,
but without the guilt afterwards.
Also, the ingredients listed on the bag are the following:
Coconut, Salt, Sugar, Coconut Milk, Coconut Juice.
There is literally nothing, but real, all-natural products
that were dry roasted (no oil) and not preserved.
Not to mention, it is Gluten Free!
I love finds like these and will certainly be keeping these babies
in my pantry at all times,
and hopefully resist the urge to devour the whole bag in one sitting.
Let me know how you like them if you try them out!

Just Keep Breathing

So, this is day 1 of what I am hoping will be a great journey for me.
Not to say that I haven’t attempted it before,
or perhaps even a few times before…
In the past, like many bloggers,
I have started blogs in high excitement,
but then as the weeks went on,
found myself reaching that lazy point of “oh I can do it tomorrow,”
or “I have nothing to write about.”
Until the day I realize I haven’t posted in months.
Which, in all reality is a major fail.
Not just because these blogs have been starting points to things that are left unfinished,
but also because I have always considered myself a writer.
I even have an English degree with a concentration in creative writing,
as well as a minor in Electronic Journalism.
I love writing, I always have,
but for some reason, over the years,
my inspiration has been lost,
my motivation even more so.
Well, in my desire to get all that back,
I am doing something I have yet to do with any of my past blogs:
I am making it public to everybody I know.
My goal in doing this follows my intense need to not only make everybody I know happy,
but also to never dissapoint anybody,
or make anybody see me in a way that defeats me.
A public blog that will hopefully be followed by my friends will ensure success,
because I’d rather let myself down than any of them.
Okay, now that personal shit is exposed…
My motivation for keeping this blog will not just be everybody I know,
gathering their support and  hopefully sharing insightful and helpful ideas,
but also the simple desire to maintain that ever-so-coveted “healthy lifestyle.”
By healthy lifestyle I do not just mean healthy eating and exercising,
which will certainly be the bulk content of this blog,
but also healthy mental living.
We all have those times in our lives:
those shadows in our past that never seem to leave us alone,
those lingering doubts and negativity,
those insecurities and lack of self-worth.
I know that fairly well,
but I refuse to let it change my life more than it already has.
The first step is to stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Pick yourself up, smile and look at the world through the eyes
of somebody who is thankful to be living,
simply because you should be.
Think positively, enjoy those around you who support you,
maybe even start a blog.
At the end of the day, no matter what you are feeling,
you just have to always remind yourself to “just keep breathing.”