Fab Find: Roasted Coconut Chips

Okay, so I will openly admit that I have a complete obsession with Trader Joe’s.
But, to be real: who doesn’t?
I could say it was just inherited because my Mother has been completely obsessed with the place
since I was a kid and she first discovered it.
That was before the US started it’s national health craze, of course,
but it’s just such a great store with amazing, organic and healthy food.
Let me say, however, that while Trader Joe’s has a great variety of healthy products,
that doesn’t necessarily mean that everything in the store is healthy,
or that just because it says “organic” that it isn’t bad for you.
Trust: Trader Joe’s certainly has its share of indulgent and hip expanding food.
You just have to learn how to read labels and educate yourself on “labeling,”
such as the ever misleading term “low-calorie”  and the difference between “fat free”and 0% fat.
Yes, there is a difference.
More on that in later posts because I am so excited to share this new find from Trader Joe’s.
I have to give all credit to my mother for this one,
because she read about these Roasted Coconut Chips in a blog and sent it to me,
asking for me to try it out next time I went there and let her know if it was good.
Well, can I just say that  it was really hard to call her and tell her how amazing it was
and that I really wanted to bring her the bag of chips the next day
since she lives 30 mins away from the closest Trader Joe’s,
but that I just couldn’t bare to part with them.
Yes, they are THAT good.
The best part about these “chips” is the after-taste.
They literally leave your taste buds in awe.
The subtle sweetness and slight saltiness are the perfect combination
and the perfect “go-to” snack.
At first, I was afraid to try this product because I was afraid
it would be one of those dangerous snacks that I would love,
but then have to convince myself not to buy because it is too indulgent.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
this one goes under the Not Bad for You list!!
That is, in moderation.
Roasted Coconut Chips
Trader Joe’s Roasted Coconut Chips
First off, the serving size is half the bag,
so eating a handful as a snack leaves you with only a slither
of the nutrition information on the label,
(which to start with is equivalent to eating a “healthy” granola bar)
and just enough of that good feeling you get immediately after indulging,
but without the guilt afterwards.
Also, the ingredients listed on the bag are the following:
Coconut, Salt, Sugar, Coconut Milk, Coconut Juice.
There is literally nothing, but real, all-natural products
that were dry roasted (no oil) and not preserved.
Not to mention, it is Gluten Free!
I love finds like these and will certainly be keeping these babies
in my pantry at all times,
and hopefully resist the urge to devour the whole bag in one sitting.
Let me know how you like them if you try them out!

Posted on April 9, 2013, in Health. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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