Just Keep Breathing

So, this is day 1 of what I am hoping will be a great journey for me.
Not to say that I haven’t attempted it before,
or perhaps even a few times before…
In the past, like many bloggers,
I have started blogs in high excitement,
but then as the weeks went on,
found myself reaching that lazy point of “oh I can do it tomorrow,”
or “I have nothing to write about.”
Until the day I realize I haven’t posted in months.
Which, in all reality is a major fail.
Not just because these blogs have been starting points to things that are left unfinished,
but also because I have always considered myself a writer.
I even have an English degree with a concentration in creative writing,
as well as a minor in Electronic Journalism.
I love writing, I always have,
but for some reason, over the years,
my inspiration has been lost,
my motivation even more so.
Well, in my desire to get all that back,
I am doing something I have yet to do with any of my past blogs:
I am making it public to everybody I know.
My goal in doing this follows my intense need to not only make everybody I know happy,
but also to never dissapoint anybody,
or make anybody see me in a way that defeats me.
A public blog that will hopefully be followed by my friends will ensure success,
because I’d rather let myself down than any of them.
Okay, now that personal shit is exposed…
My motivation for keeping this blog will not just be everybody I know,
gathering their support and  hopefully sharing insightful and helpful ideas,
but also the simple desire to maintain that ever-so-coveted “healthy lifestyle.”
By healthy lifestyle I do not just mean healthy eating and exercising,
which will certainly be the bulk content of this blog,
but also healthy mental living.
We all have those times in our lives:
those shadows in our past that never seem to leave us alone,
those lingering doubts and negativity,
those insecurities and lack of self-worth.
I know that fairly well,
but I refuse to let it change my life more than it already has.
The first step is to stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Pick yourself up, smile and look at the world through the eyes
of somebody who is thankful to be living,
simply because you should be.
Think positively, enjoy those around you who support you,
maybe even start a blog.
At the end of the day, no matter what you are feeling,
you just have to always remind yourself to “just keep breathing.”

Posted on April 8, 2013, in Family, Friends, Health. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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